Indulging the inner geek...

Over the past few months, I've had an amazing time experimenting with color and a "vector" art style in my Drag Race portraits, but I tend to fuss over them endlessly, trying to get each girl to look just right, and I end up a wreck by the end of the night. I've been curious about how I can incorporate elements of this new approach to other work, and since I've been obsessed with Dragon Age 2, I decided to try a very loose, very quick portrait of Fenris, the elf with a dark past. I finished it in about an hour, which is a huge improvement over my Drag Race portraits--they usually take 3-4 exhausting hours (each!) And no, I didn't sweat the details of his armor or anything--this was all about getting the feel of the character and capturing the essence of his great, tortured character.